New Views, New Inspiration
I started the new year off with a bang! I'd been looking for a different place to live for the past 6 months. Not that my previous residence was bad, but after being there for 2 years I was feeling stagnant. Not just with myself, but with my work! Luckily a house came on the market and I decided to check it out. As I was walking up to the potential new place, I met a couple who said they have a place on the same street and they were going to list it in a few weeks and invited me to check it out.
I immediately LOVED IT. Not only was it in my favorite town, and the street was full of friendly neighborhood cats, but it was SO QUIET! I couldn't stop thinking about it. That's when I knew it was the place for me.
So here I am, a month into living in my new spot, and I'm super happy! Even with moving and packing and driving and re-organizing, I've been able to find time and space for myself. My creative spark has been REIGNITED! I'm excited to share this journey with you all.